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European Shore Championship 2019 • Akureyri 1st-4th May • Newsletter no. 4 Skoða sem PDF skjal Prenta út Senda hlekk á þessa síðu til vinar
Skrifað af Helgi Bergsson   
Mánudagur, 15 Apríl 2019 07:50


The European Shore Championship 2019 will be held from Akureyri, North-Iceland 1st May to 4th May.




Entries for the Championship. There are 56 anglers competing in the Shore Championship from 7 Sections; England (11), Germany (8), Iceland (5), Ireland (10), Netherlands (8), Scotland (6) and Wales (8).


Fishing rules. See below. A maximum of two hooks are allowed with minimum size of 14 mm.


The point system. The Championship is a Shore Championship with unlimited amount of fish to count for points. The calculation of each day result is done by adding the total running length of your fish with the number of your fish multiplied with a constant of five (Total length of fish + No. of fish x 5 = Total fish points of the day).


The fish to catch. Cod, Coalfish, Haddock, Dab, Catfish (Wolf fish) and Whiting. We expect to fish few Shorthorn Sculpin (Scorpion fish), Rough Dab, Flounder, Halibut and Plaice and maybe some Thorny Ray, Redfish and Pollock.


The zones, the fishing and the bait. Zones. We will fish from 5 zones; A, B, C, D and E and your place will be drawn at the registration Wednesday 1st May. Fishing. Put all your fish into your bucket. You do not need to bleed the fish. The shore Stewards will measure and write your fish down on the Scorecard and take care of the fish. If the fish is live able it will be released. The winner of a zone each day is the angler with the most fish points that day. Bait. Blueye and/or Mackerel.


The fishing spots and clothing. We will be fishing from three different spots: Nearby the center of Akureyri, from the piers in Akureyri and from a nearby village of Hjalteyri. Information which spot we will be fishing will be announced at the registration or at the start of each fishing day. The fish is both close to shore and further. You do not have to be a super caster to fish. Sometimes it is even better to fish closer to the shore. There can be a bit of seaweed few meters out so try to lift your fish from the bottom when pulling in. It can be cold and windy in early May in Iceland. Bring warm cloths and boots.


The practice spots. There are two main practice spots, one at Svalbardseyri about 9 km from Akureyri and the other at Dalvik 45 km from Akureyri. More info see the maps at registration.


Waders and the beaches. You do not need waders as we will be fishing from mainly rocky beaches therefore good footwear is recommended. From the first spot Drottingarbraut or nearby the center of Akureyri and from the piers in Akureyri you can´t wade. Just pull in your fish from the peg where you are fishing from. From the third one (Hjalteyri) only from one of the five zones it is possible to wade. There is a little change you need to wade.


Teams. It is free of charge to register into teams. The drawing into teams will be done with blind draw at registration on Wednesday 1st May.


The winner of the Championship. If two anglers are with the same total zone points for all the fishing days then the fish points will decide who is the winner. If two anglers are with the same total zone points and the same fish points, then the number of fish will decide who is the winner.


The Awards and Prizes. Beside the Medals and the Pins (see below) there will be awards.


Tackle shops. There are two tackle shops in Akureyri or Veiðiríkið at Óseyri 2 and Veiðihornið at Kaupvangsstræti 2.


EFSA uniform and the Gala Dinner. You must wear EFSA uniform at the Prize giving Ceremony and at the Gala dinner. The menu at the Gala dinner is a starter or Mushroom soup with freshly baked bread and butter. Smoked salmon with cold dressing. The maincourse is Lamb with red wine sauce. Pork with pepper sauce. Icelandic fish - catch of the day. Sweet potato salad, mixed with cashewnuts. Vegetarian dish a la chef. Mixed salad. Oven-roasted vegetables. Icelandic potatoes. The desert is Apple cake with whipped cream. Skyr dessert, a la chef. Coffee and tea.


Protest Committee. Phil Lusting, EFSA HQ and EFSA Wales chairman, Helgi Bergsson, EFSA Iceland, Warren Doyle, EFSA Ireland, Miranda Koop, EFSA Netherlands and Paull Curtice, EFSA England. Protest Committee meetings to be held at Hotel Kjarnalundur the HQ hotel.

European Shore Championship 2019 • Akureyri May 2019 Skoða sem PDF skjal Prenta út Senda hlekk á þessa síðu til vinar
Skrifað af Administrator   
Sunnudagur, 24 Mars 2019 14:08


The organizing work for the European Shore Championship to be held from Akureyri, North-Iceland


1st May to 4th May 2019 is almost completed. A newsletter with detailed info, entry forms and more has been sent to your Section.




Entries for the venue: There are 56 anglers competing in the Championship from 7 Sections; England (11), Germany (8), Iceland (5), Ireland (10), Netherlands (8), Scotland (6) and Wales (8).


The fishing spots: We will be fishing from three different shores/spots: Nearby the center of Akureyri, from the piers in Akureyri and from a nearby village of Hjalteyri. Information which spot we will be fishing will be announced at the registration or at the start of each fishing day.


Fishing rules: See below. A maximum of two hooks are allowed with minimum size of 14 mm.


Please note that this rule has been changed from minimum gape of 14 mm to minimum size of 14 mm.


The point system and fishing: The Championship is a Shore Championship with unlimited amount of fish to count for points. The calculation of each day result is done by adding the total running length of your fish with the number of your fish multiplied with a constant of five (Total length of fish + No. of fish x 5 = Total fish points of the day).


The zones: We will fish from 5 zones; A, B, C, D and E and your place will be drawn at the registration Wednesday 1st May. The winner of a zone each day is the angler with the most fish points that day.


The winner of the Championship: If two anglers are with the same total zone points for all the fishing days then the fish points will decide who is the winner. If two anglers are with the same total zone points and the same fish points, then the number of fish will decide who is the winner.


Fish to catch: Cod, Coalfish, Haddock, Dab, Catfish (Wolf fish) and Whiting. We expect to fish few Shorthorn Sculpin (Scorpion fish), Rough Dab, Flounder, Halibut and Plaice and maybe some Thorny Ray, Redfish and Pollock.


The fishing: Put all your fish into your bucket. You do not need to bleed the fish. The shore Stewards will measure and write your fish down on the Scorecard and take care of the fish. If the fish is live able it will be released. Please note that this rule has been changed.


Bait: We will use Blueye and/or Mackerel.


Teams: It is free of charge to register into teams. The drawing into teams will be done with blind draw at registration on Wednesday 1st May.


Tackle shop: There is a tackle shop in Akureyri.


Clothing: It can be cold and windy in early May in Iceland. Bring warm cloths and boots.


Travel information to Akureyri: See below.


EFSA uniform: You must wear EFSA uniform at the Prize giving Ceremony and at the Gala dinner.


Protest Committee: Phil Lusting (EFSA HQ), Helgi Bergsson (EFSA Iceland), and three other committee members from representing Sections. Protest Committee meetings to be held at Hotel Kjarnalundur the HQ hotel.



Issued on 25st March 2019

Fréttir af félagsstarfi EFSA Íslands á árinu 2019 Skoða sem PDF skjal Prenta út Senda hlekk á þessa síðu til vinar
Skrifað af Administrator   
Sunnudagur, 24 Febrúar 2019 13:52

Aðalfundur 2019

Laugardaginn 2. mars nk. verður aðalfundur félagsins haldinn í aðstöðu félagsins á 2. hæð í veitingarhúsinu Þremur Frökkum að Baldursgötu 14, Reykjavík. Þar verður m.a. verður rætt um styrki til félaga sem ætla að keppa erlendis á komandi sumri, Evrópumótið í strandveiði 2019, innanlandsmót o.fl. Sjá nánar fundarboðið hér neðar á síðunni.

Evrópumótið í strandveiði 2019 frá Akureyri

Stærsta verkefni félagsins á þessu ári er skipulagning og framkvæmd Evrópumótsins í strandveiði sem haldið verður frá Akureyri dagana 1. til 4. maí nk. Gert er ráð fyrir allt að 60 þátttakendum og hafa nú þegar tilkynnt sig 30 erlendir keppendur frá fjórum félagsdeildum (Skotland, Holland, England og Wales) auk þess að vitað er um fleiri félagsdeildir sem senda keppendur til Íslands. Undirbúningur fyrir mótið gengur vel en frestur til að skrá sig til keppni er til 28. febrúar nk. Fyrir félaga í EFSA Ísland dugar að senda undirituðum tölvupóst um þátttöku. Sjá nánar dagskránna hér neðar á síðunni.

Erlend mót 2019

Mót á vegum EFSA erlendis á þessu ári eru Evrópumótið í bátakeppni haldið frá Weymouth, Englandi dagana 8.-13. september nk. og Evrópumótið í tegundaveiði (koli) haldið frá Langeland í Danmörku dagana 28.-31. október nk. Frestur til að skrá sig í mótið í Englandi er til 31. mars nk. en til 30. apríl nk. í mótið í Danmörku. Sjá nánari upplýsingar hér á þessum tenglum:


Danmörk: http://www.angelcentrum.dk/pdf/EFSA_Program_2019.pdf

Gefið út 24. febrúar 2019

Aðalfundur EFSA 2019. EFSA Iceland AGM 2019 Skoða sem PDF skjal Prenta út Senda hlekk á þessa síðu til vinar
Skrifað af Administrator   
Þriðjudagur, 05 Febrúar 2019 21:57

Aðalfundur EFSA Ísland verður haldinn laugardaginn 12. mars 2019 að Baldursgötu 14, 2. hæð, Reykjavík (fyrir ofan veitingarhúsið “Þrír frakkar”), og hefst kl. 14.00.


1. Venjuleg aðalfundarstörf.

Kosning fundarstjóra og fundarritara.

Skýrsla stjórnar.

Reikningar liðins starfsárs.

Kosning stjórnar.

Ákvörðun um árgjald.

2. Önnur mál.

Styrkir til þátttöku í EFSA Evrópumótum 2019.

Erlend EFSA Evrópumót 2019.

EFSA Ísland. Íslandsmeistaramót, innanfélagsmót og strandveiðimót 2019.

Evrópumótið í strandveiði 2019 frá Akureyri 1.-4. maí.

Inntaka nýrra félaga.


EFSA Iceland´s AGM will be held on Saturday 2th March 2019 at the restaurant „Þrír frakkar“ at Baldursgata 14, Reykjavik, 2nd floor.


  1. General AGM matters.

    The Chairman’s welcome.

    Report for 2018.

    Approval of the audited accounts.

    Election of EFSA Iceland Board.

    Annual membership fee.

  2. Other matters.

    Sponsorship - EFSA Championships in 2019.

    EFSA Championships in 2019.

    EFSA Iceland Championships in 2019.

    European Shore Championship 2019 Akureyri 1st.-4th May, Iceland.

    New members.

  3. Other.

European Shore Championship 2019 • Akureyri May 2019 Skoða sem PDF skjal Prenta út Senda hlekk á þessa síðu til vinar
Skrifað af Administrator   
Fimmtudagur, 31 Janúar 2019 17:27

The organizing work for the European Shore Championship to be held from Akureyri, North-Iceland

1st May to 4th May 2019 is going well. A newsletter with detailed info, entry forms and more has been sent to your Section.


Entry fee and closing date of entry: The entry fee is 250 and 125 for juniors. Prize for the Gala-Dinner is €47 per person. Date of closing for registration is 28th February 2019.

Accommodation: The HQ hotel for the venue is Hotel Kjarnalundur near the airport about 3.5 km. from Akureyri´s town center. Book your accommodation on info@kjarnalundur and quote EFSA2019.

The fishing spots: We will be fishing from three different shores/spots: Nearby the center of Akureyri, from the piers in Akureyri and from a nearby village of Hjalteyri. Information which spot we will be fishing, to be announced at the registration or at the start of each fishing day.

Fishing rules: See homepage. A maximum of two hooks are allowed with minimum gape 14 mm.

The point system and fishing: The Championship is a Shore Championship with unlimited amount of fish to count for points. The calculation of each day result is done by adding the total running length of your fish with the number of your fish multiplied with a constant of five (Total length of fish + No. of fish x 5 = Total points of the day). See for the minimum sizes, in the Championship Rules.

Fish to catch: Cod, Coalfish, Haddock, Dab, Catfish (Wolf fish) and Whiting. We expect to fish few Shorthorn Sculpin (Scorpion fish), Rough Dab, Flounder, Halibut and Plaice and maybe some Thorny Ray, Redfish and Pollock.

The fishing: All the good size fish has to be killed by bleeding. You will be provided with a bucket for your fish. The shore Stewards will measure and write your fish down on the Scorecard. After that they will put the fish into the common box. If you got a record fish or if it is your personal record you can tag it and bring it in for measuring.

Bait: We will use Blueye and/or Mackerel.

Teams: It is free of charge to register into teams. Your Secretary will register your Section’s teams in due course.

Tackle shop: There is a tackle shop in Akureyri.

Clothing: It can be cold and windy in early May in Iceland. Bring with you warm cloths and boots.

Travel information to Akureyri: There are several international airlines with regular flight schedules to Iceland. Icelandair: icelandair.com, Wowair: wowair.com,Various international airlines from Europe.

Flying to Akureyri. Drive from Keflavik to Reykjavik approx. 45 km. Domestic flights from Reykjavik to Akureyri. Air Iceland Connect. https://www.airicelandconnect.is/

Driving to Akureyri. Rent a car at the airport and drive to Akureyri - approx. 5-6 hours and 433 km. At the airport there are several rentals i.e. Avis, Euro Car, Hertz, Budget Car and more. Take the main road: Keflavik-Reykjavik 45 km. When you are in Reykjavik you will see a big mountain Esja in direction north. Drive towards the mountain and you will be out of Reykjavik. Take the A1 to the tunnel that goes under the fjord Hvalfjordur, free of charge, and drive to Borgarnes. When out of Borgarnes, drive on and you will see a road sign to Akureyri 314 km. The HQ hotel, Hotel Kjarnaskogur, is very near Akureyri´s airport.

Spouse tour: There will be no spouse tour organized by the Organizing Committee. But there are many places near Akureyri worth visiting: Lake Myvatn, Dettifoss the largest waterfall in Europe and more.

EFSA uniform: You have to wear EFSA uniform at the Prize giving Ceremony and at the Gala dinner.

Protest Committee: Phil Lusting (EFSA HQ), Helgi Bergsson (EFSA Iceland), and three other committee members from representing Sections. Protest Committee meetings to be held at Hotel Kjarnalundur the HQ hotel.

Issued on 31st January 2019

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