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EFSA European Species Championship Olafsvik, Iceland May 2021 - Cancelled. Skoða sem PDF skjal Prenta út Senda hlekk á þessa síðu til vinar
Skrifað af Administrator   
Fimmtudagur, 25 Febrúar 2021 16:36

Due to travel restrictions in Europe because of the Covid-19 crises The Organizing Committee and the Board of EFSA Iceland decided to cancel the European Species Championship to be held in Olafsvik Iceland May 20th-22nd  2021. Many EFSA Sections announced that their members will not be able to travel in May due to the crises and therefore very few anglers outside of Iceland can attend the Championship. EFSA Iceland will send to EFSA HQ an application to held the European Species Championship next year (2022) in May in Olafsvik targeting Cod and Coalfish.

EFSA Iceland aðalfundur 2021, AGM 2021 Skoða sem PDF skjal Prenta út Senda hlekk á þessa síðu til vinar
Skrifað af Administrator   
Laugardagur, 13 Febrúar 2021 09:56

Aðalfundur EFSA 2021

Aðalfundur EFSA Ísland verður haldinn laugardaginn 6. mars 2021 að Baldursgötu 14, 2. hæð, Reykjavík (fyrir ofan veitingarhúsið “Þrír frakkar”), og hefst kl. 15.00.


1. Venjuleg aðalfundarstörf.

Kosning fundarstjóra og fundarritara.

Skýrsla stjórnar.

Reikningar liðins starfsárs.

Kosning stjórnar.

Ákvörðun um árgjald.

2. Önnur mál.

Erlend EFSA Evrópumót 2021.

EFSA Ísland. Íslandsmeistaramót, innanfélagsmót og strandveiðimót 2021.

EFSA Ísland Evrópumót 2021 í tegundaveiði.

Inntaka nýrra félaga.


EFSA Iceland AGM 2021

EFSA Iceland´s AGM will be held on Saturday 6th March 2021 at the restaurant “Þrír frakkar” Baldursgata 14, Reykjavik, 2nd floor.


1. General AGM matters.

The Chairman’s welcome.

Report for 2020.

Approval of the audited accounts.

Election of EFSA Iceland Board.

Annual membership fee.

2. Other matters.

EFSA Iceland Championships in 2021.

New members.


Olafsvik May 2021, EFSA Iceland - Extension for registration to 15th April 2021. Skoða sem PDF skjal Prenta út Senda hlekk á þessa síðu til vinar
Skrifað af Administrator   
Sunnudagur, 07 Febrúar 2021 09:48

At an EFSA Iceland Organizing Committee meeting Saturday 6th February it was decided to go ahead with the planning of the Species Championship Boat in Olafsvik 2021 May 20 to 22 and the closing date for registration was extended to 15th April 2021 instead of 28 February.

On registration each Sections need to pay a deposit of £10 Sterling or €11.50 to EFSA Iceland for each angler registered into the Championship and the deposit is not refundable. The rest of the entry fee and the Gala Dinner to be paid at registration in Olafsvik Thursday 20th May 2021.

Olafsvik • Iceland 2021. EFSA European Species Championship Skoða sem PDF skjal Prenta út Senda hlekk á þessa síðu til vinar
Skrifað af Administrator   
Sunnudagur, 12 Júlí 2020 14:35


Programme and Timetable of Events


EFSA Species Championship 2021 will be held from Thursday 20th May to Saturday 22nd May from Olafsvik, West-Iceland fishing for big Cod and Coalfish. The venue will be fished to the EFSA rules.


Thursday 20 May Registration


20:00 Registration at Klif, Olafsvik


Friday 21 May Cod and Coalfish


06:30 Assemble at Pier Olafsvik


07:00 Boats depart for fishing grounds


08:00 Lines down


14:00 Lines up


16:00 All boats must be in harbour


19:00 Days results displayed


Saturday 22 May Cod and Coalfish


06:30 – 16:00 Same as Friday


19:00 Days results displayed


20:00 Presentation of awards


21:00 Gala Dinner at Röst, Hellisandur


Entry fee ISK 45.000. Bait included. Registration before 28th February 2021. Registration into 2 man and 4man Teams free of charge. Price for Gala Dinner not decided.


Point system: Cod and Coalfish 35-55 cm. 1 points, Cod and Coalfish 56-75 cm. 4 points, Cod and Coalfish 76-100 cm. 15 points, Cod and Coalfish 101 cm or longer 50 points. All other fish 0 point. Unlimited fishing.


The times and programme are subject to alteration at the discretion of the Organizing Committee.

Aðalfundur EFSA 2020. EFSA Iceland AGM 2020 Skoða sem PDF skjal Prenta út Senda hlekk á þessa síðu til vinar
Skrifað af Administrator   
Miðvikudagur, 17 Júní 2020 12:11


Aðalfundur EFSA 2020


Aðalfundur EFSA Ísland verður haldinn laugardaginn 27. júní 2020 að Baldursgötu 14, 2. hæð, Reykjavík (fyrir ofan veitingarhúsið “Þrír frakkar”), og hefst kl. 14.00.




1. Venjuleg aðalfundarstörf.


Kosning fundarstjóra og fundarritara.


Skýrsla stjórnar.


Reikningar liðins starfsárs.


Kosning stjórnar.


Ákvörðun um árgjald.


2. Önnur mál.


EFSA Ísland. Íslandsmeistaramót, innanfélagsmót og strandveiðimót 2020.


Inntaka nýrra félaga.




EFSA Iceland AGM 2020


EFSA Iceland´s AGM will be held on Saturday 27th June 2020 at the restaurant “Þrír frakkar” Baldursgata 14, Reykjavik, 2nd floor.




1. General AGM matters.


The Chairman’s welcome.


Report for 2019.


Approval of the audited accounts.


Election of EFSA Iceland Board.


Annual membership fee.


2. Other matters.


EFSA Iceland Championships in 2020.


New members.


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