Gatwick april 2009 |
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Skrifað af Skarphéðinn Ásbjörnsson | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Miðvikudagur, 13 Maí 2009 23:26 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Present :
Secretary: H. Holmes (Scotland) Treasurer: A. White (England) Fish Recorder : D. Wood (England) Supplies Officer: A. Jorgensen (Denmark) Championship & Festival Officer (Game): K. Muskat (Germany) Championship & Festival Officer (Boat): D. Styles (England) Acting Assistant Secretary M. Wuest (Germany)
Standing Committee Delegates :
H. Roofthooft Belgium G. McCullough Ireland Ms R. van Ranst Belgium G. de Marpillero Italy F. Thomas Denmark G. Solland Norway K. Bowden England L. Borges Portugal N. Bryant England A. Gusev Russia E. Borrell Gibraltar J. Edward Scotland S. Asbjornsson Iceland F. Estrada Spain C. Cloak Ireland E. Amberntsson Sweden W. Doyle Ireland J. O’Connor Wales
A. White gave apologies from H. Schneider who had been involved in a bad accident in Thailand. Although he has returned to Italy he has again been admitted to hospital. A. White stated that it had been agreed that he would chair the meeting and he welcomed all present on behalf of the Chairman.
H. Holmes announced the death of Aud Holmedal, who was a longstanding and very popular member of the Norwegian Section. A one minute’s silence was held in her memory.
H. Holmes reported that apologies for absence had been received from H. Schneider (Chairman/President), P. Lustig (Championship & Festival Officer (Shore) – he had undergone a triple by-pass operation on the 13th March 2009 but is recovering well. Two delegates from Cyprus, the French Section although a representative is expected to arrive at mid-day. J-E Roth (Norway), A. Riboe (Denmark), delegates from the Netherlands Section, D. Baturin (Russia), P. Evander (Sweden) and Mrs. V. Balban (Gibraltar).
H. Holmes stated that he had received formal notice from the Faroe Islands that they are forming a Section and he has received 10 membership forms. He is awaiting their capitation fee and the names of their officials. They will then be accepted as a Section at the next Standing Committee in the Orkneys. Spain is divided into areas and Catalonia has expressed a wish to form a Section, which effectively would become the Spanish Section. Nothing further has been heard from the Canary Islands or the Ukraine, although the Ukraine has now obtained Government approval.
The Minutes had previously been circulated and read by all concerned. It was proposed by E. Amberntsson (Sweden) that they be accepted as a correct record. This was seconded by J. Edward (Scotland) and all were in favour.
There were no matters arising.
H. Holmes reported on the following items of correspondence :
a) Despite writing to Altantik Travel no response has been received from them.
b) He briefly reported on a complaint that had been received following an event held in Ireland. This has been passed to W. Doyle (Ireland) and the Irish Section will be responding to the complaint.
c) Ms M. Koop is now the Secretary of the Netherlands Section and H. Holmes will be circulating her correspondence details.
d) A request has been received from a magazine in France for EFSA to advertise in it. It was felt that this was not really suitable.
i) Chairman
In the absence of the Chairman there was no report but he had sent his best regards to the meeting.
ii) Secretary
H. Holmes read out a thank you letter from J-E Roth (Norway) for the condolences for Aud Holmedal. EFSA Norway had been well represented at the funeral. H. Holmes stated that he felt that she would be leaving a legacy of EFSA being a ‘happy family’.
He stated that he has been very busy and attended the Game Championships in Mexico and is also involved in the organization of the next Boat & Line Class Championships in Orkney. He stated that the workload for the Secretary is increasing. Requests for information and replies continue to be sent but once again there is still a lack of response. He quoted as an example, the request for comments and complaints following the Game Championships, which he had hoped to collate into a report. He had only received one from EFSA Scotland, which has been circulated to the meeting. He commented that he had enjoyed undertaking the work of Secretary since he had retired and there is now an assistant helping out, which he feels could be worth making into a permanent post. A. White felt that he also felt this idea is worth developing.
iii) Treasurer
A. White stated that he has circulated his formal report for the 2008 financial year. There has been a healthy surplus during the last two years. The position so far in 2009 is that subscriptions are slow in coming in and Sections will be chased following the current meeting. He is estimating a 10% reduction in subscriptions on the 2008 level. Income on interest will also be negligible due to the current economic climate. No sponsorship has been included in the budget as it is not yet known whether this will be forthcoming from ANDE who are experiencing a downturn. There could be a shortfall of just over £5,000. He stated that he will be keeping a close scrutiny on expenditure and hoped that the position will have improved by the next Standing Committee.
iv) Fish Recorder
D. Wood referred to the list of 2008 records which has been circulated. This shows a considerable reduction on 2007. To date only 2 claims for European Records have been received for 2009. At the HQ Executive Officers’ meeting a paper which he had submitted was considered as three claims had been refused due to their late submission beyond the 60 day limit. One was 271 days after the catch, another one 188 days and the other one 84 days. All had been submitted via Section officials. Representations had been by two Sections but not the other one. D. Wood’s decision to reject these claims had been upheld at the HQ Executive Officers’ meeting. He reminded delegates that individual anglers could submit claims to him direct and it had only been suggested that they go via Sections’ officials if they were not in English and for the officials to ensure that everything required for the claim had been included. A. White stated that HQ is not prepared to be criticised if officials of Sections are letting down their own members.
v) Supplies Officer
A. Jorgensen referred to the list of supplies that he had circulated showing the position on stock. He has a good stock of burgees and sales of these have been high. Often supplies are now taking longer to obtain and he required orders well in advance. A. White advised that when ordering venue bars Sections should allow a few extra, as if an additional small number is required, they then work out very expensive.
vi) Championship & Festival Officer (Game)
K. Muskat stated that on returning from the Championships in Mexico he had been receiving feedback that people were not keen to fish in Thailand again. He stated that a decision needs to be made on this in order that planning can go ahead on other venues, if in fact the Game Championships are not to return to Thailand. His biggest problem is obtaining enough boats at venues. He has investigated Egypt as a venue where accommodation will be in both hotels and on boats at a cost of approximately 1000 euros. Another possibility is Islamorada, Florida which will be more expensive. He has also heard that there could be a possible proposal from South Africa. The English Section have also put forward Senegal as a possible venue where the price is reasonable and the fishing good. Once these possibilities have been investigated the information will be circulated a month before the next Standing Committee in order that a firm decision on the venue can be made then.
K. Muskat stated that unfortunately there had been problems with Atlantik Travel at the last Game Championships and as a result the German Section are still awaiting monies and the matter has now been referred to their attorneys.
vii) Championship & Festival Officer (Boat)
D. Styles referred to the report that he had circulated previously. He stated that he was pleased to hear that H. Schneider is recovering. Most of the points will be covered under other items on the agenda. He made a request that Sections translate a copy of the Rules in order that if a problem does arise, competitors can then refer to a specific number in the Rule Book and then everyone understands what the problem is. He stated that as the Rules apply to events there is not the need to re-state them in brochures, only the dispensations from rules need to be printed. It would seem that protests are increasing and these translations would assist in dealing with them. He will report further on this matter at the next Standing Committee meeting. At the last Boat & Line Class Championships there were three protests, two of which he felt could have been dealt with on the boat. He has discussed the position with the Scottish Section for the forthcoming Boat & Line Class Champions in Orkney. He referred to the form that he had drafted which can be used so that the problem can be brought to the attention of an angler immediately and hopefully rectified there and then and so avoid a protest being lodged.
viii) Championship & Festival Officer (Shore)
In the absence of P. Lustig there was no report available.
H. Holmes stated that Officers due for re-election at the next AGM are the President/Chairman, Supplies Officer and the three Championship & Festival Officers. In accordance with procedures he had sent out letters to each of the existing post holders asking for their intention on standing for re-election. The responses had been :
President/Chairman – H. Schneider is willing to stand for re-election and no other nominations have been received. Supplies Officer – A. Jorgensen does not wish to stand again and two nominations have been received for J. Josch, Germany and J. Edward, Scotland Championship & Festival Officer (Game) – K. Muskat is willing to stand for re-election and there has been one nomination for P. Lobs of The Netherlands. Championship & Festival Officer (Boat) – D. Styles is willing to stand for re-election and there have been no other nominations received. Championship & Festival Officer (Shore) – P. Lustig is willing to stand for re-election and there have been no other nominations received.
a) Boat & Line Class Championships, Cobh, Ireland – 16th to 23rd August
A. White stated that as a result of the Line Class Championships only being for one day the name of this Championship had been amended to show ‘Boat’ first.
A full report had been submitted by the Irish Section and G. McCullough (Ireland) felt that it had been successful, with the only complaints coming from the three protests. The Irish Section had been very pleased to run another Championship and hope to run others in the future. A. White stressed that official photographs are required in order that these can be passed on to sponsors.
b) Game Championships, Zihuatanejo/Ixtapa, Mexico – 22nd November to lst December
A. White stated that discussion on this item could become extensive. It had been fully discussed at the HQ Executive Officers’ meeting and basically a mistake had been made by using Atlantik Travel and many of the problems were down to them. Despite a request for complaints to be sent to the Secretary, only one had been received which had been circulated. No further complaints will be accepted at the current meeting. He also stressed that it is a fundamental mistake to change rules during an event and this is where the complaints stemmed from. He has put forward a suggestion to the HQ Executive Officers on a revised method of organising Game Championships, in order that the job of the Championship & Festival Officer (Game) is made a lot easier. With regard to the issue on rules, H. Holmes raised the question of spurdog being caught at the Boat & Line Class Championships 1993 in Thurso where no change was made to the rules until after the Line Class days, despite the adverse effects this had had.
H. Roofthoft (Belgium) stated that the Belgium Section did not have any complaints about the Championships in Mexico and thought that it was a well organised event. K. Muskat commented on one or two points, including the fact that boat identity numbers were not used. He agreed that it was a mistake for the rules to be changed. He commented that he is unhappy at the comments made in the report by J. Henderson (Scotland) as he has worked very hard for EFSA through his best endeavours.
c) Game Championships in European Waters, Albufeira, Portugal – 29th to 31st August
L. Borges (Portugal) gave brief details of the event which had been held over two days. One Blue and two White Marlin had been caught. It had been disappointing not to see more support from Sections.
A) European Boat & Line Class Championships
i) 2009 Stromness, Orkney – 31st July to 9th August
J. Edward (Scotland) stated that he felt it would be a hard act to follow the 2008 event. Planning and organization is well in hand and there are now adequate boats for 139 competitors. 16 Sections have entered and this will increase to 17 if the expected five anglers from South Africa attend. He stated that the response had been very good bearing in mind the recession.
He put forward a dispensation for the limit on Pollack to be increased from 5 to 10. This was seconded by E. Amberntsson (Sweden) and all were in favour.
He stated that there will be an updated brochure handed out at registration. The boat draw will take place on the 9th May 2009. The tackle shop in Stromness has recently changed hands, is now well stocked and will open early each morning of the event. He reminded Sections that photographic identity is now required if the ferry from Thurso is used. Shirts that have already been ordered will be available at registration, although further ones can still be ordered. Names can be put on these. The Section is hoping for good weather and is looking forward to welcoming everyone. W. Doyle (Ireland) asked about the swim-feeder and ground bait rule. D. Styles stated that the use of swim-feeders is covered in the Rules and it had been decided previously that artificial bait
which come already impregnated are allowed. However additives cannot be applied in addition. D. Styles suggested that the Scottish Section withdraw the point from the brochure. J. Edward proposed that this would be done; this was seconded by M. Wuest (Germany). H. Holmes asked that following the boat draw, once it is circulated, it is checked immediately it is received. He clarified the position regarding team members fishing on the same boat. All the information will be available on the website.
ii) 2010 Dalvik, Iceland – 11th to 15th May
S. Asbjornsson (Iceland) reported that the Section is in the process of printing brochures. Initial difficulties had been encountered of obtaining sponsors. There will be adequate boats and accommodation. A competition is to be held which will hopefully identify any issues arising.
S. Asbjornsson (Iceland) asked for a dispensation to allow 25 haddock, coalfish and cod. This was seconded by E. Amberntsson (Sweden) and all were in favour.
The scoring will be based on numbers of fish and species. The Section is establishing someone as a contact person to assist in obtaining accommodation. D. Styles asked about transport and it was confirmed that this will be laid on by bus.
iii) 2012 Norway
H. Holmes stated that it had previously been agreed to hold the event in Norway to mark the 50th anniversary of the first event being held in Stavanger. Three options of venue have been circulated and J-E Roth (Norway) has asked that Sections reply to him direct by the 1st June 2009 with their preferred choice. It was clarified that Sortland is slightly south of Harstad. The venue should be confirmed at the next Standing Committee meeting.
B) European Species Championships
i) 2009 Plymouth, England – 28th to 30th May (Conger Eel)
N. Bryant (England) confirmed that the 73 places are now fully booked. The Premier Lodge will be used as the accommodation and they are laying on breakfast from 6am. Packed lunches will also be available. The boat draw is taking place on 1st May 2009 and the result will be placed on the website. The Welcoming Reception will be at the Royal Yacht Club with registration taking place from between 1800 and 1930 hours and the Reception will follow on. The loading of boats has been organized and the car park for the day is £8-00, although it is only a short walk from the Premier Lodge. He stressed that as only Conger Eels are being targeted, anglers should limit the tackle they take with them, as excessive amounts will not be allowed on the boats. A ‘happy hour’ has been organized at the Yacht Club following disembarkation from boats. The presentation will be at 2000 hours on the second day followed by a disco. As an initiative the English Section are putting together a photo presentation album and anglers will be able to view this on the website, and also purchase if they so wish. Seven Sections are taking part. N. Bryant (England) requested that Secretaries of Sections advise the English Section where their teams are staying.
ii) 2010 Albufeira, Portugal – 3rd to 5th September (Bream)
L. Borges (Portugal) circulated a brochure. He outlined some of the details and confirmed that the entry fee is 200 euros. The Gala Dinner will be 50 euros. It was
agreed to amend the closing date stated from 31st December 2009 to 28th February 2010. Prices of the accommodation are listed in the brochure. This will be a two hook event. A. White suggested that an information sheet be circulated at the next Standing Committee meeting containing advice on tackle to be used and L. Borges (Portugal) agreed to organize this.
C) European Shore Championships
i) 2009 Langeland (Denmark) [organized by the German Section] – 28th to 30th November
M. Wuest (Germany) stated that a brochure has been circulated. The entry fee will be 250 euros which will include all items. Information on the event is included in the brochure. There will be a maximum of two hooks. It is unlikely that Cod will be caught and the bait will be ragworm. He stressed that all anglers will need a Danish fishing licence.
i) 2011 – Boat & Line Class Championships – Weymouth, England
A. Hudson (England) has proposed that the English Section host this event. It will take place on the 18th to 24th September. An estimate of the cost at the moment in £420. The Section is looking for a different Headquarters. This proposal was seconded by E. Amberntsson (Sweden) and all were in favour.
ii) 2011 – Species Championships – Langeland, Denmark (organized by the German Section) – Flatfish
M. Wuest (Germany) stated that this event is being proposed by the German Section to take place in October or November. This was seconded by N. Bryant (England) and all were in favour.
iii) 2010 – Game Championships
It was stated that at the last meeting it was proposed that the Championships return to Phuket, Thailand. However it has been identified that this would not be well supported. As previously mentioned in an earlier item, other options are Egypt, Islamorada, Florida, Senegal and South Africa. It was agreed that a vote would be taken about the support for Phuket, Thailand and D. Styles suggested that only Sections who have members who participate in the Game Championships should vote. The vote revealed that two delegates were in favour and nine against the return to Thailand. K. Muskat will investigate the other options and circulate details one month before the next Standing Committee meeting.
H. Holmes stated that having received information on this article he had sent out a circular. It basically suggests that including recreational angling in quotas which would require individual anglers keeping records, a licence and other administrative tasks. There had been a large response and representations made and he has heard conflicting information as to whether, as a result of the views expressed, the Article will be scrapped or not. He felt this was an example of the voice of anglers being heard.
H. Holmes stated that he had heard that Icelandic boats are now coming down to Hull and other east coast fishing towns to land fish. The response from the Scottish Minister was that the European fishing fleet should now negotiate with the Icelandic Government for access to fish the Icelandic protected waters which are self-sustaining. Such access would have a drastic effect on the fish stocks.
a) Fishing Rules
H. Roofthooft (Belgium) asked for a copy in order to translate them. It was stated that these are on the website and in the handbook.
b) Expenses and Payments
A. White requested that delegates see him after the meeting. He also has some supplies available.
c) EFSA Cyprus
Apparently the Section is organizing a Tuna event in June and details have been requested.
d) Equipment at Standing Committee Meetings
It was noted that L. Borges (Portugal) had intended to give a presentation but the equipment had not been requested. Sections must ensure that if they do require equipment, such as projectors, etc. they make the request to the Secretary well in advance of the meeting.
The next Standing Committee meeting will take place on Saturday 1st August 2009 at The Royal Hotel, Stromness, Orkney Islands commencing at 0930 hours.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 1230 hours.